You only like serious music.
Sadly, our tastes differ.
May I ask where you spent
the evening?
At the Funambules.
And you,
at those ghastly animal fights.
"Ghastly" is too strong a word.
A mangy bear tossed like a bone
to three mastiffs.
It wasn't sport, but butchery.
A most dreary evening.
And the Funambules?
I won't be going back again.
I'm delighted.
Don't belittle the Funambules.
You forget we met there.
Which no doubt explains
your pious nightly pilgrimage?
No, my friend.
The contrary would surprise me.
May I know the name of that man
who just left?
Were you at the Funambules
with him?
That man?
Oh, him.
An old acquaintance.
He came to say hello.
A most peculiar individual.
What does he do?
He writes.
To be honest, when I knew him,
he was also a thief,
and a bit of a murderer.
I hope there was nothing
between you and this individual.
I trust you entirely.
That does you no credit.
I've never had occasion to lie to you.
True enough.
But please oblige me by seeing
such people as seldom as possible.
Actors, perhaps,
but thieves, murderers...
isn't that rather appalling?
Remember the young Scot
you challenged to a duel in Edinburgh?
I remember quite well.
He wasn't nearly
as good a shot as you.
Of course.
Everyone knew it.
But you killed him anyway.
Feelings, Garance,
in an affair of honor!
All because I smiled at him.
In public, and frequently.