I know why you won't, Dev:
you're sore.
You're sore because you've fallen
for a little drunk you tailed in Miami.
And you don't like it,
it makes you sick all over, doesn't it?
People will laugh at you.
The invincible Devlin in love...
with someone who isn't worth
even wasting the words on.
Poor Devlin, in love with a no-good gal.
It must be awful, I'm sorry.
I assure you she's the perfect
type for the job.
It's not the girl, it's this German
scientist I'm worried about.
I simply question why we don't find
some way of taking them into custody.
It' do no good, even if we arrested
their leader, Alex Sebastian...
tomorrow another foreign man
takes his place and the work goes on.
Yes, you're right.
I see, Captain Prescott,
your method is the best way.
Well, she's good at making friends
with gentlemen...
and we want somebody inside
his house in his confidence.
-You've faith in this procedure?
-Yes, with somebody on the side...
-Have you consulted the young lady?
-No, not yet.
Our man Devlin just brought
her down here the other day.
Now we're waiting for Sebastian
to come back to Rio.
Has your man Devlin told her
the nature of the work?
No, we haven't discussed it
with him at all.
I can set your mind at rest about her.
You're sure of her political side?
Oh, yes.
Well, there is nothing to be lost
if we proceed as you advise.
That's fine. I'll give Devlin
his instructions right away.