-Have you consulted the young lady?
-No, not yet.
Our man Devlin just brought
her down here the other day.
Now we're waiting for Sebastian
to come back to Rio.
Has your man Devlin told her
the nature of the work?
No, we haven't discussed it
with him at all.
I can set your mind at rest about her.
You're sure of her political side?
Oh, yes.
Well, there is nothing to be lost
if we proceed as you advise.
That's fine. I'll give Devlin
his instructions right away.
it's nice out here!
Let's not go out for dinner.
Let's stay here.
We have to eat.
We can eat here.
I'll cook.
I thought you didn't like to cook.
No, I don't like to cook.
But I have a chicken in the ice-box
and you're eating it.
What about all the washing up
We'll eat it with our fingers.
Don't we need any plates?
Yes, one for you and one for me.
Do you mind if have dinner
with you tonight?