Is there any legal reason whysentence should not be pronounced?
-No, your honour.-Yes, I've something to say.
You can put me away,but you can't put away...
what's going to happen to youand to this whole country...
Next time, we're going to...
It is the judgement of this Courtthat the defendant, J. Huberman...
having found guilty of the crime oftreason against the United States...
by the jury of this Court for theSouthern District of Florida at Miami...
be committed to the custody ofthe United States Attorney General...
for imprisonment in an institution ofthe penitentiary type...
for a period of 20 years.
The defendant may be forthwith remandedto the custody of the U.S. Marshall.
Court is now adjourned.
Here she comes!
Just a minute, Miss Huberman!Look this way, would you, please?
We'd like a statement from you,Miss Huberman, about your father.
Do you think your father gotwhat he deserved?
Are you pleased your father's goingto pay the penalty...
for being a German worker?
Let us know if she tries to leave town.
Would you care to pause forsome refreshments, Mr. Hopkins?
Alicia, were you really followedby a policeman?
-It sounds exciting.-I'm going to shoot it out with him.
Had enough.
Don't be silly.The important thing hasn't started yet.
Everybody down here's gota stuffed fish hanging on the wall.
-Where do they get them?-Never seen the fish.