I think we'll take coffee in here,
I'm very sorry gentlemen,
to make such an exhibition.
Oh, nonsense!
We all have nerves!
You've been overworking.
Don't you think so, Rothman?
You need a rest.
Your health is very important to us.
That's very considerate.
I am very tired.
Now, I think perhaps if you'll make
my pardon to the ladies, Alex...
for my leaving so early, then I go...
I think maybe, Emil, it would be
better if I came with you.
If you try to drive yourself all the
way up to Metropolis...
it might be too much for you.
I shall drive you.
It'd be too much for you all that way.
That's too much to ask.
Nonsense, I'd love to go!
Come on, Emil.
Goodnight, gentlemen.
Goodnight, Alex.
I hope you feel better
in the morning, Emil.
Thank you, and I'm very sorry
to make a scene before strangers.
Very sorry.
Thank you, Alex, for an excellent
And please tell your mother from me
that the desert was superb.
Miss Huberman has been gone
a long time.
Is it necessary for you
to address Alicia as Miss Huberman?
I do wish you'd be
a little more cordial to her.
I thought I was behaving very well.
Has she been complaining about
-No, no.
-I'm grateful.
You might smile at her.
Wouldn't it be a little too much
if we both grinned at her like idiots?
Please, mother,
I want to enjoy myself.
Is it so boring to sit with me alone?
Not at all, not at all.
-I thought I saw you.
-How are you?
Fine thanks.
Great turn out, isn't it?