
Not before dinner, anyway.
Dinner is served, Madame.
Dr. Anderson, you will sit
beside me, over there.

Eric, you will sit
next to Miss Huberman.

You have just come from Spain,

A few weeks ago.
It seems ages.

Travel does not mean anything
anymore, it goes so swiftly.

One has the feeling
of not going anywhere.

I suppose we can expect
the rocket ships...

to be carrying us across
the oceans very soon.

We can expect many strange things.
-Did you see a good movie, Eric?
-No, I was disappointed.

It must have been a comedy.
Eric loves to go to the movies to cry.

He's very sentimental.
I'm afraid, gentlemen, that
something must be done about Emil.

I don't know.
It was an understandable slip:
the man was tired.

No, it's a very dangerous slip.
It's not the first one.
There have been several other lapses.

There'll be more, if we permit it.
That's bad, that's very bad!
I think, gentlemen, you can leave it
to me to find some way.

When you drive up to Metropolis,
the road winds quite a bit.

It is very high.
There are some very awkward turns.

I'm sure I'll not have any difficulty...
in getting Emil
to give me a lift in his car.

It's quite a trick to jump clear.
I'll just have to be careful,
that is all.

Turned my ankle the last time.
Madame says will you join the others
or will you take your coffee in here?
