
-Good evening, sir.
-Good evening.

-Good evening, Joseph.

It doesn't look very cheerful here.
I'm sorry, Madame Sebastian wasn't
certain you would be back tonight.

Why not? I telegraphed her.
Madame Sebastian said
we were all to retire, sir.

Where is my mother?
Madame Sebastian went to bed
very early, sir.

I'm sorry, dear, I'm afraid
this isn't a very bright homecoming.

-That's all right, Alex.
-What shall we do?

Shall we have Joseph arrange
a little food for us?

Not unless you want to.
I'm rather tired myself.

We'll go right up, then.
-Goodnight, Joseph.
-Goodnight, Madam.

I'd like to have all my dresses
put out on the beds here.

Don't hang anything up.
I like to know where everything goes.

Joseph, would you've the closets aired?
Yes, Madame.
Oh, this isn't very large.
I'll need more room.

-This door is locked.
-That's used for a storeroom, Madame.

-Oh, may I have the key?
-I do not have the keys, Madame.

Where are they?
Madame Sebastian has charge
of all the house keys.

Do you know
where Mr. Sebastian is?

I think he's having a business
meeting in the study, Madame.

I miss Hupka.
He was a first-class metallurgist.

Klieten is just as good.
Such is your opinion.
But I don't want to criticise.
What were you asking?

Oh, you want a report,
a written report.

Well, my friends, my work is done.
You've been successful?
-Oh, I'm very sorry.
-Oh, no, come on in.

I'm sorry to interrupt you.
I didn't know you were busy.

Some of the closets are locked.
Could you give me the keys?
