All these carping questions are
the expression of your jealousy.
You've always been jealous of any woman
I've ever shown any interest in.
In this case,
there is nothing more to discuss.
You mean you're going ahead
with this marriage?
I mean that the wedding
will be next week.
It will be private.
We shall both be pleased
to have you present, if you wish.
-Good evening, sir.
-Good evening.
-Good evening, Joseph.
It doesn't look very cheerful here.
I'm sorry, Madame Sebastian wasn't
certain you would be back tonight.
Why not? I telegraphed her.
Madame Sebastian said
we were all to retire, sir.
Where is my mother?
Madame Sebastian went to bed
very early, sir.
I'm sorry, dear, I'm afraid
this isn't a very bright homecoming.
-That's all right, Alex.
-What shall we do?
Shall we have Joseph arrange
a little food for us?
Not unless you want to.
I'm rather tired myself.
We'll go right up, then.
-Goodnight, Joseph.
-Goodnight, Madam.
I'd like to have all my dresses
put out on the beds here.
Don't hang anything up.
I like to know where everything goes.
Joseph, would you've the closets aired?
Yes, Madame.
Oh, this isn't very large.
I'll need more room.