I don't even want to think
about what would have happened.
Here, drink, Papa!
- Oh... some tea!
- See? Edmund found some.
Good boy.
It's somewhat bitter...
but it's hot.
It's good for me.
Would you like some too...
No, no, Papa.
I made itjust for you.
You're a very generous boy.
Thank you!
And you, too.
I'm glad I have children
like you.
I've had bad luck,
but I still have my children.
- Come in.
- Who is it?
The police are here.
They are searching every house.
My God, why?
- You must hide.
- I don't want to hide anymore.
Open up! Police!
Open, police!
Hey, just a moment.
What do you want?
We need to search
the house.
Everything is legal here.
You're wasting your time.
Search every floor.
- Look, I don't have any ID.
- See about this.
- You don't have any ID?
- No.
- What did you do with it?
- I burned it.
Then come with us to the station.
Go downstairs.
Could I tell my family first?
Yes, but hurry up.
We have no time to waste.