You wanna get married?
Yes, sir. And I understand
you can give me permission.
- Who's the girl?
- Nicole Bouchard.
Nicole Bouchard. Does she
live here in Bar-le-Duc?
Her father has that farm on the hill
where the road turns into Bar-le-Duc.
Mm-hmm. Lewisohn.
Aren't you the boy
that had the mumps?
- Measles, sir.
- Oh.
But you've been here only eight days.
Did you know her before?
No, sir.
Well, even in a war, eight days is
an awful short time.
Uh, you sure you wanna do this?
Oh, yes, sir. I'm sure.
- Mm-hmm. Hundred to one
she's only after your allotment.
- Oh, no, sir. I don't think so.
- You don't, huh?
- How old are you?
- Twenty-two, sir.
Mm-hmm. Well,
it's your life...
and now more than ever
you've got every right to mess it up.
Uh, have you talked
to her parents?
- No, sir. Not yet.
- Brigade runner.
- Company commander? Orders, sir.
- Here.
Please initial.
- Luck, sir.
- Thank you.
Well, Lewisohn, one thing about the army...
decisions are all made for you.
We're moving in immediately,
so this'll have to wait till we get back.
- Yes, sir.
- Lipinsky.
- Yes, sir?
- On your way, boy. On your way.
We're moving in. Pass the word
to all patrol commanders to be
standing in heavy pack in 30.
Camions at the crossroads
with ammunition.
And tell Quirt to salvage
all rations in the square.
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait!
Don't tell Quirt we're going in.
We'll marry him to Charmaine...
And march the blushing
bridegroom off to war.
- Shove.
- Aye, sir.