The one emblematic movie monsterof the 1950s emerged - in 3-D, no less -
from Universal Pictures, the studio whichhad already led the field for two decades.
Sci-fi expert Bill Warren calls it "one ofthe most famous monsters ever created".
Sci-fi authority Bob Burns says it'samong the best monsters ever designed,
and despite its Johnny-come-latelystatus, it fits in with Frankenstein,
the wolf man, the mummy and all the restof the great movie monsters of old.
The characters in the moviecall him the gill-man.
The people who made the movieaffectionately called him "the beastie".
We call him "the Creaturefrom the Black Lagoon".
Out of the Devonian Period, when lifecrawled out of the sea, it came.
From fishlike thing to mammal, frommammal to a manlike horror of the sea.
With the heart of a human, filled withhate, and a manlike instinct to love.
My name is Tom Weaver. Togetherwe'll go back to that black lagoon
and look behind the scenes atone of the best monster movies
from the second half of the 20th century.
In the beginning,there was William Alland.
Alland had the idea for Creature from theBlack Lagoon and produced the picture.
Alland was born in Delmar, Delaware,
and he began his careeras an actor with a Baltimore troupe.
He moved to New York City,
arriving there with a few belongings, $25,and the ambition to work on Broadway.
He took acting courses, and he actedat the Henry Street Settlement House,
which is where he met Orson Welles.
This was in the '30s.Welles was on the verge of forming
his famousMercury Players acting company.
Alland worked with the Mercury Playerson stage and on the radio.
He was in the cast of the notorious 1938War of the Worlds CBS radio broadcast,
which was so realisticit caused a panic among listeners,
and Welles and Alland nearly went to jail.They continued to associate for years.
Alland acted in some of Welles' movies,including Citizen Kane.