He bet his fever would go to 104.
- Always makes crazy bets like that.
- Did he win?
Him and his crazy bets.
He got lucky. It went to 106.
So why don't I bet him?
Why don't I bet him
1,000 bucks on somethin'?
Max, what's the matter no Danish today?
It's a holiday in Denmark. How do I know?
- For years you been bringing me Danish.
- So we ain't got Danish today.
I'm bringing you cheesecake.
You want strudel, I'll bring strudel.
- I don't like strudel.
- So eat the cheesecake.
Live it up a little!
I do not understand you. Everyone's crazy
about Mindy's cheesecake and strudel.
They must sell thousands
of portions every day.
That's just it.
Everybody's on cheesecake and strudel.
Makes me feel like
I'm playing the favourite.
Playing the favourite...
Nicely, Benny, go into the kitchen
and find out exactly how many pieces
of cheesecake they sold yesterday -
also how many pieces of strudel.
How much cheesecake?
How much strudel?
What do you wanna know for?
I'm investigatin' for the FBI. Go!
Brannigan! Stop breathing down my neck.
- Why, Nathan!
- Adelaide. Doll!
Nathan, how could you think
I was Lieutenant Brannigan?
We don't even use the same perfume.
I was kinda daydreaming, I guess.
I don't dream about detectives,
Nathan, even in the daytime.
Do you know what I dream about? You.
And your career as a businessman
in a normal business.
And our career together
as a normal husband and wife.
Gesundheit. Your cold does not seem
to be getting any better.