Guys and Dolls

we understood that Brannigan
was corkin' up the town.

Who worries about Brannigan?
- How was Vegas?
- Paradise for two weeks.

I gambled in green pastures,
the dice were my cousins

and the dolls were agreeable
with nice teeth and no last names.

You are sure I cannot offer you
cheesecake or strudel?

No, thanks. I just ate.
- How long you gonna be in town?
- Only tonight. Tomorrow I fly to Havana.

Sky, don't think I am a pest,
but do yourself a favour -

eat this last little bite of cheesecake.
You will thank me.

Honestly, I couldn't swallow a mouthful.
- How is Adelaide?
- Fine.

I suppose one of these days
you'll get married.

- We all gotta go sometime.
- But, Nathan, we can fight it.

The companionship of a doll is pleasant
even for a period running into months.

But for a close relationship
that can last through our life,

no doll can take the place
of aces back to back.

Still, you will admit that Mindy's
cheesecake is the greatest alive.

Gladly. Furthermore,
I am quite partial to Mindy's cheesecake.

And yet, although you might disagree,
many people prefer Mindy's strudel.

Do you disagree?
It is my understanding
that the Constitution

allows everybody the free choice
between cheesecake and strudel.

I would be interested to hear.
Offhand, would you say that Mindy sells
more cheesecake or more strudel?

Going strictly by my personal preference,
I'd say more cheesecake than strudel.

For how much?
- What?
- For how much?

Why, Nathan! I never knew you
to lay money on the line.

You always take your bite off the top.
1,000 bucks says that yesterday Mindy
sold more strudel than cheesecake.

- Nathan, let me tell you a story.
- Have we got a bet?

On the day I left home to make my way in
the world, my daddy took me to one side.
