Guys and Dolls

If you are sincerely interested in
giving up gambling, Mr... Brother Sky,

reading these pamphlets will help you.
My daddy said reading pamphlets
never made anybody give up anything.

Now, I had a more personal help in mind.
There's a midnight prayer meeting
on Thursday.

The day after tomorrow.
Who's going to help me until then?

Well, our doors are always open.
Come in any time.

You know what I think, Sister Sarah?
I think you not only don't wanna help me,
but you're against me.

I'm afraid that is true.
I'm afraid I don't trust you, Mr Masterson.

- Brother Sky.
- Mr Masterson.

You don't believe I'm a sinner.
I'm prepared to believe you're the biggest
sinner I've ever met in my life.

But you don't believe I want to repent.
Is that it?
All of a sudden you want a cup of coffee.
Did it ever occur to you that some people
could be all repentance and no sin?

You know, I may start
a chain of missions to help your kind.

"Come all ye repenters and let us
bring a little sin into your life."

"There is no peace unto the wicked.
Proverbs." This is wrong.

Let's say it's a matter of opinion,
shall we?

I made a statement of fact. It's wrong.
How dare you! Even if this is not
a church, it is a mission.

- How dare you blaspheme.
- How dare you misquote the Bible.

This is not Proverbs.
- Of course it's Proverbs.
- Isaiah.

Chapter 57, verse 20 or 21.
Would you like to bet on it?
Not money, just a nice sociable bet?

Only one thing has been in as many
hotel rooms as I have - the Gideon Bible.
