Did it ever occur to you that some people
could be all repentance and no sin?
You know, I may start
a chain of missions to help your kind.
"Come all ye repenters and let us
bring a little sin into your life."
"There is no peace unto the wicked.
Proverbs." This is wrong.
Let's say it's a matter of opinion,
shall we?
I made a statement of fact. It's wrong.
How dare you! Even if this is not
a church, it is a mission.
- How dare you blaspheme.
- How dare you misquote the Bible.
This is not Proverbs.
- Of course it's Proverbs.
- Isaiah.
Chapter 57, verse 20 or 21.
Would you like to bet on it?
Not money, just a nice sociable bet?
Only one thing has been in as many
hotel rooms as I have - the Gideon Bible.
Never tangle with me on the Good Book.
I must have read it a dozen times.
- If all that was no help to you...
- Who says it wasn't?
In one of my blackest moments
I came up with a three-horse parlay.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
- Mr Masterson, why did you come here?
- I told you, I'm an unhappy sinner.
- Excuse me, but you're a liar.
- Lying is not one of my sins.
I am not in the market
for a one-dollar solid gold watch.
All right. We'll lay it on the line.
- We'll deal the hand open.
- Could you say that in English?
I'm sure you've earned your stripes
in combat against the devil.
- There's no need to be sarcastic.
- But not on this battlefield
against the devil's first-line troops.
You can't get at the enemy.
This mission is laying an egg.
- You have no way of knowing.
- I've got lots of ways.
You are stuck with a store
full of repentance and no customers.
Without sinners to repent,
repentance doesn't exist.
So you're stuck with a store full
of nothing. Do I give you a fair rundown?
I wouldn't know.
I've never had a rundown.
- Would you be open to a proposition?
- I've had those. No.