Guys and Dolls

You know something, Sky?
Suddenly I'm embarrassed.

- I don't know which etiquette to use.
- Etiquette?

Well, your being here tonight must have
something to do with the wedding.

Nathan must have sent you
as one of his seconds or something?

- Well, Nathan didn't exactly send me.
- Then I don't understand.

I'm supposed to give you
a message from him.

He's out there, isn't he? I mean,
Nathan's here tonight in the Hot Box?

But tonight...
Sky, we're eloping tonight.
We're getting married tonight. In front of
all those people we talked about it.

- Sky, he's just gotta be here!
- Well, he isn't.

It seems that one of
Nathan's close relatives...

- His aunt in Pittsburgh?
- That's the one.

His floating aunt in Pittsburgh.
- It's the crap game again.
- Does it surprise you? You know Nathan.

- But he promised to change.
- Change!

Who do you wanna marry? Nathan
or what you wanna make out of him?

I wanna marry
and live normal like people.

I wanna have a normal home
with wallpaper and book ends.

Well, then, fall in love with people.
Not with gamblers.

My daddy once told me:
No matter who you get married to,

you wake up married to somebody else.
You take it the way the dice falls.

But a guy doesn't wanna feel that
he's just like a piece of material

a woman'll cut up and sew according to
the way they wear husbands this year.

It's easy for you to talk.
You're not in love with Nathan.

No, I'm not.
Wait till you fall in love
with somebody you shouldn't.

Wait till it happens to you.
