Inger, Maren was a good wife
to me. Just the wife I needed.
I beg your pardon, granddad.
Granddad, if you promise me
Anders and Anne
can have each other, then
I'll promise you something
that will make you really happy.
And what is that,
may I ask?
You shall have fried eel
for dinner on Sunday.
That's what I call an offer.
And granddad, I'll promise you
this time it will be a boy.
Does that make you happy?
You are quick to promise, Inger.
Then do you say "yes"?
Inger, Inger, you trouble
yourself about many things.
You'll see, Anders will soon
get that thought out of his head
and we'll easily find
the right girl, who will...
Well! Then I'd better tell you
how things are.
Anders is not down
at the reed bed with Mikkel.
- Not at the reed bed?
- No.
Then where is he?
Oh! I see.
So, that was the reason
we should have coffee.
Yes, granddad, that was the
reason. And when he gets back,
we'll both of us say,
"Congratulations". Won't we?