On a night like this, I feel like
hugging myself tight and flying away!
- Take care, you'll fall.
- All right.
But it's a shame to go in
on such a night.
It's like hearing wonderful music,
and you know it's going to be
the most beautiful you've ever heard.
And being pulled away
and missing it for ever.
- For ever.
- Natasha!
All right.
- Nicholas, the expression on my face.
- What about it?
- Do I look disdainful?
- No!
- I'm sure I look disdainful.
- What for?
If I look disdainful, nobody will
notice this is my first ever ball.
- How's this? Better?
- That's much better.
You must promise
not to dance with me.
- No!
- No matter if no one says a word to me.
- Promise not to dance with me.
- Why?
Because it would be humiliating
if only my brother asks me to dance...
...out of pity.
- Promise?
- I promise.