Let's just keep it quiet, ma'am.
You speak English?
Are thereany Japs around?
You're an American.
Have the Americans...
No, no, no.
No, just me.
Just me, you understand?
Are there any Japson the island?
You're sure.
Yes, I'm sure.
All right, where arethe rest of you?
The rest?
Isn't there anybody elseon this island?
There isno one else here.
What, ma'am?
There is no oneon the island but me.
You're, uh...
you're alone here?
God has been with me.
You're, uh...
you're a nun,ain't you, ma'am?
Yes, I'm...
I'm Sister Angela.
I'd better transferout of the sun, ma'am.
In here okay?
Everything's pitchinglike I'm...
still on the raft.
I'd better lie downbefore I fall down.
Excuse me, ma'am, I'm...