Witness for the Prosecution

In hospital he'd hide cigars and brandy
all over the place.

We called him Wilfrid the fox.
- I'm confiscating these.
- Can't I have just one?

No. Upstairs.
A few puffs after meals? Please.
I'll do it. Some dark night when her back
is turned, I'll snatch her thermometer

and plunge it between
her shoulder blades. So help me, I will.

Oh, no, sir. You mustn't walk up. We've
installed something for you here. It's a lift.

A lift? I'm sick of this plot
to make me a helpless invalid.

I think it's a splendid idea.
Let's try it, shall we?

Out of there. I'll try it.
It's my lift because it was my heart attack.

Here you are. Simply press this button
for up and this one for down.

Carter, I warn you,
if this contraption should collapse,

if the barrister
should fall off the bannister...

Smoothest flight I've had in years.

- Upsy-daisy!
- Once more to get the feel of the controls.

Good afternoon.
Is it possible to see Sir Wilfrid?

I didn't make an appointment,
but this is urgent.

If it's about a brief, I'm sorry, but we're
full. Sir Wilfrid has all that he can handle.

I'm sure he'll want this brief.
Serious criminal matter.
Absolutely not, Mr Mayhew.
Sir Wilfrid is still convalescent.

He can't accept anything
of an overstimulating nature.

Put me on a diet of bland civil suits.
Hello, Mayhew.

Hello. Distressing news about your health.
It's tragic. You'd better get
a man with younger arteries.

If you could just give us a few minutes.
This is Mr Leonard Vole.
