- Cecile?
- Yes, Raymond.
She wasn't there. You suppose
she fell out of the train?
- She's here. She drove.
- You see?
I told you Philippe
didn't have an American car.
Must have been
190 degrees in the shade.
My pathetic feet.
- Where is Anne?
- In her room.
- Any point in taking these to her?
- I wouldn't disturb her now.
- Oh?
- Yes.
- Was she...?
- Very.
Very what? You two don't even
need words. The perfect marriage.
- How bad?
- Breakage.
- Really bad. You suppose the setup...?
- No, she's too sophisticated.
- Discovering occupied territory?
- Couldn't care less.
- You think.
- I know.
Know what about Anne?
Anne is fine.
And delighted to be here.
Forgive me. I stood on that platform
for hours waving these.
- I should have telephoned.
- What's the difference? We're all here.
- I'm here. I'm Elsa Mackenbourg.
- I thought you knew each other.
Not as well as I'd like to.
Pretty dress.
Not as pretty as some of yours
I've got. They are just brilliant.
You're kind.
But the line of that suits you.
The colour is good
when I'm not half peeling.
I have lotion that will help
on my dressing table.
I'm going to sink in the water
and drown in the sun.
- I'll show you the way.
- I can see the way. Straight down.
I'm going to put that lotion on
right this minute.
If that woman says it will help,
it will help. She's brilliant.
- Amazing figure.
- Never mind that.
- I thought she said...
- What?
- She was leaving.
- What is going on?
- I haven't a clue.
- We'd better find out.