...I must tell you that you upset
all my plans for the weekend.
- May I?
- Please.
How did I do that?
I came prepared for battle...
...and an old wound
prevented me from charging.
I don't think she
was your type anyhow, Honoré.
- You were watching me?
- Force of habit.
When a pretty woman came by,
I always had to watch you.
What good fortune
brings you to Trouville?
I came with Gaston and Gigi.
You did?
Gigi is my granddaughter.
No, not your granddaughter.
Oh, yes. Time does not
stand still for all of us, Honoré.
Don't be nervous!
Gaston is such a dear man.
So sweet of him to bring
little Gigi and show her Trouville.
She's having a glorious time.
And so is Gaston.
I haven't seen him
this chipper in years.
We had good times too...
...didn't we?
Come to think of it,
those last days we spent together...
...were by the sea, weren't they?
Were they?
Of course they were.
On the Riviera.
The pink villa.
- I only remember the blue villa.
- Which was that?
The one belonging to the soprano.
You knew.
But of course.
But I thought you left me
because of that Austrian count.
But of course.
But you didn't.
I'll tell you about
that blue villa, Mamita.
I was so much in love,
I wanted to marry you.
Yes, it's true.
I was beginning to think of marriage.