- Thank you, Jason. On time.- You bet!
Link. Link Appleyard!
- Miss Hallie.- Hello, Marshal.
- Howdy, Mr.. Senator.- No, no. Rance. Rance.
Rance. Sure glad you could come.
Your wire caught us in St Louis.Thank you.
My buckboard's right over there.Jason, give me that box.
You knew they were coming!
That's the first time you everkept a secret! Blabbermouth!
Was that anybodyworth a line in the paper?
A line? You blasted young fool,that's Senator Stoddard and his wife.
You can fill your newspaperwith them!
Hi, Lydia. Charlie Hasbrouck.Emergency!
Tell the office Senator Stoddardand his wife just got here!
- That's right! Thanks!- Hey, that's a nickel!
Charge the "Shinbone Star"!
Senator! Senator Stoddard, ma'am.
Could you give me an interview?Exclusive-like. A scoop!
"Shinbone Star"...Well, now, son... all right.
I'll give the interview,but only for one reason.
One reason. Dutton Peabody, founder,
publisher, editor in chiefof the "Shinbone Star" once fired me.
I'll be firedif I don't get this interview.
Is it true you're going to...Here he comes now.
Senator Stoddard, this is a surpriseand an honour, sir!
- Maxwell Scott, editor.- How do you do, Mr. Scott?
- This is Mrs. Stoddard.- A pleasure, ma'am.
What brings you back to town, sir?Is it true...?
Oh, no. Hold on, Mr. Scott.
Who am I giving this interview to,you or this young fellow?
- Who asked first, by the way.- I sure did.
If you're a good reporter invitethem in, out of the sun and dust.
He's right. To make a man talk,make him comfortable.
It's back in business again.Politics.
Link, why don't you take Halliefor a little ride around town?
Lot of changes, huh?
I'll go with these fellowsand mend a few political fences.
I noticeyou're not wearing the star.
Shucks, Miss Hallie. They haven'telected me Town Marshal for ages.
The only one of us from the old daysstill working steady is the senator.
Place has sure changed.Churches, high school, shops.
Well, the railroad done that.Desert's still the same.
- The cactus rose is in blossom.- Maybe...
Maybe you' d like to take a ride outdesert way, and maybe look around.
You knew where I wanted to go,didn't you?
Well, you said you wantedto see the cactus blossoms.
There's his house down there,what's left of it.
Blossoms all around it.
He never did finish that roomhe started to build on, did he?
No...Well, you know all about that.
There's a lovely one there.
Gentlemen, I promised myselfthis trip I would not talk politics,
and look here,that's about all I've been doing.
Surely you're going to Capitol Cityand talk to the assembly?
Not this trip. It's purely personal.
Purely personal? That isn't goodenough for my readers.
Why did you come to Shinbone?No mystery, is there?
No. No, there's no mystery.I'm here to go to a funeral.
- Funeral?- Who 's dead, sir?
- No, sir. I...- A man by the name of Tom Doniphon.
There's my good wife. I'll...I've enjoyed the visit, gentlemen.
Tom Doniphon?
- Hello, Clute.- Ransom Stoddard! And Miss Hallie!
Senator, I didn't think... Why didn'tyou let me know they was coming?
I' d have had a real bang-up funeral.
Folks from all over everywherewould have come.
The county's gonna bury him.I won't make a nickel out of it.
- Miss Hallie.- Pompey, I'm sorry.
Maybe you' d like to...
Where are his boots?
They was an awful nice pair of boots,almost brand-new, and I thought...
Put his boots on, Clute,and his gun belt and his spurs.
He didn't carry no handgun, Rance.He didn't for years.
Yeah, sure.
Sir, I don't wish to intrude,but a United States senator is news.
I'm the editor of a newspaperwith a statewide circulation.
I've got a responsibility to know
why you came all the way down hereto bury a man.
You can't say his name wasTom Doniphon and leave it at that.
Who was Tom Doniphon?
He was a friend, Mr. Scott,and we' d like to be left alone.
Scott, let's go.
I'm sorry. That's not enough.I have a right to have the story.
Yes, I guess maybe you have.
This story not only concerns me.
Old Pompey in there, Link...they were part of it.
But I suppose I'm the only onewho can tell it through.
I read of the old days in the paper'sfiles. There was no mention...
You're a young man! A young man.
You only know itsince the railroad came.
A lot different then. A lot differentbefore, Mr. Scott. A lot different.
First time I came to Shinbone,I came by stagecoach.
A lot like that one right there.
Could be the same one.Could be the same one.
"Overland"...?Say, I think it is the same one!
Well, I declare.
Well, I declare.
I was just a youngster,fresh out of law school,
bag full of law books and myfather's gold watch, $14.80 in cash.
I had takenHorace Greeley's advice literally:
Go west, young man, go west,and seek fame, fortune, adventure.
Stand and deliver!
Shotgun, shuck your shells.
Throw down the cash box. Now!
All right.Get the passengers out of the coach.
Looks like slim pickings,but lift their wallets anyway.
- I'll take that pin, too.- No. My dead husband gave it to me.
- Please!- A widow? I'll take it...
Take your hands off!What kind of men are you?
This kind, dude.
Now, what kind of man are you, dude?
I am an attorney at law, and I'mduly licensed by the territory.
You may have us now,but I'll see you in jail for this!
Stop it!
Get him out of here!Get in that coach! Go on, move!
Get in there! You, too!Come on, inside!
- He could die!- We'll send him flowers!
Chico, cut the leaders!
Get going!
Put that in hereand get to your horses. Hurry!
A book?
Lawyer, huh?
I'll teach you law... Western law.
Let's get out of here.Come on! Come on!
Hallie! Wake up, gal!
Tom Doniphon! 5:30am.What's the matter with you?
We've got a man down here ambushed.Ambushed!
Like to dieif we don't get care for him.
- It's the man from the hold up.- That's right.
How did you know?
Stagecoach stopped by last nightto notify the marshal.
Link Appleyard?
Don't stand there gossiping.Get him inside. Pompey!
Think you can make it, pilgrim?Pick him up, Pompey.
Put him on the couch.
Tom, he's hurt real bad.
Thanks, Pompey.
Poor man. Beaten, whipped and kicked,just for trying to protect a woman.
- How's that again?- Stage driver told us all about it.
Well, Pompey, looks likewe got ourselves a ladies' man.
Hallie, we...
- Get some bandage.- But...
I'll take care of him.
Pilgrim, you'll needa couple of stitches.
Pompey, go find Doc Willoughby.If he's sober, bring him back.
Nora, sorry to bust in on youlike this. He's in trouble.
- Such a beating.- This is just simply terrible.
By golly,I'm going to get the marshal.
You want coffee?I make some breakfast. Hallie?
Take her easy there, pilgrim.
You all right?
Here we are. Drink this.
Is that coffee?
Yah, coffee, and aquavit.Swedish brandy. Good for you.
No, I don't care for that.
Here, you must drink.That make you feel better.
It ain't mannerly out westto let a fellow drink by himself.
- All right if I smoke, ain't it?- Sure. Go right ahead.
- Good. Now you will feel stronger.- Thank you, ma'am.
Took my watch. My money's gone,every cent I had in the world.
Don't fret about that, pilgrim.
You can eat hereuntil you get back on your feet.
- My credit's still good, Nora?- Yah, Tom.
- Lie down. Please lie down.- No. No, not now.
Not now.I've got something to do.
Got something to do.
What did you say his name was?
The man with the silver-knobbed whip?
I said Liberty Valance,but if that's what you got to do,
you better start packing a handgun.
A gun? I don't want a gun.
I don't want a gun.I don't want to kill him.
I want to put him in jail.
I know those law books mean a lotto you, but not out here.
Out here,a man settles his own problems.
But do you knowwhat you're saying to me?
You're saying just exactlywhat Liberty Valance said.
What kind of communityhave I come to?
You all seem to know Liberty Valance.
He's a no-good, gun-packing,murdering thief,
but the only advice you give meis to carry a gun.
Well, I'm a lawyer!Ransom Stoddard, Attorney at Law.
And the law is the only...
A little law and order aroundShinbone wouldn't hurt anyone.
All right, Hallie.
Arrest this man! Arrest him!Nobody seems to want...
Well.Here comes Mr. Law and Order himself.
- He's hurt bad.- What are you dragging me here for?
Ain't being up all night on accountof this hold up business...
- Who 's this?- From the hold up.
- I knew I shouldn't come over.- Wait a minute, Marshal.
Tom, if he's got a formal complaintto make, he should make it to me.
He just wants youto put Liberty Valance in jail.
Liberty Valance? Do you thinkI'm crazy? Tom, let me out of here.
Hallie thinks he's right.You' d better listen. He's a lawyer.
Somebody better listen to somebodyabout him!
Mamma, Liberty Valancerides into town...
If he behaves himself in this town,I ain't got no...
What he said.I ain't got none of it.
You all knowI'm only the town marshal.
What Liberty does out on theroad ain't no business of mine.
Ain't that right, Mr. Lawyer?
Technically, I supposeit is a territorial offence.
- You mean I'm right?- Yes, Marshal, you're right.
I knew it! I knew we' d be friendsthe minute I stepped in here.
You folks all know that,well, the jail's only got one cell,
and the lock's broke,and I sleep in it.
I should have known nothing wouldhappen when you came in here.
Now get out,you big old fat water buffalo!
- We got work to do!- Hallie, I ain't ate yet.
I could sure use a snackof six or seven of those hen's egg
and maybe a side order of bacon,and is that flapjack batter?
On the cuff. Sit down.Papa, get your pants on!
Get out of the way! Sit down!
You know, you look mighty prettywhen you get mad.
Like I say, you can eat heretill you get back on your feet.
- May I have your name?- Doniphon. Tom Doniphon.
Forget what I said about buyinga gun. You're a tenderfoot.
Liberty Valance is the toughest mansouth of the Picketwire, next to me.
- Mr. Peabody!- Evening, Marshal.
Did you know that Liberty Valanceis in town tonight?
I' d be a poor newspaperman indeed
if I didn't knowwhat everybody else knows.
I don't know what to do,Mr. Peabody, I swear.
Do what you're paid to. Run him out!
Run him out... Liberty Val...me?
- My advice to you as...- Coroner.
- And your personal pos...- Physician!
Is to get supper and go to bed.No charge.
Sound advice, Marshal. Sound advice.
Hallie, my love, where are you?I await you, my dear.
Good evening.Saturday night, Mr. Peabody.
Better order early before thosedrunks come from across the street.
Hallie, please. The proprietiesconcerning the cutlery.
How many times have I told you,
the fork goes to the leftof the plate, the knife goes...
You superstitious or something?What are you having to eat?
The usual.
Steak, beans, potatoesand deep-dish apple pie.
- Three steaks with a lot of black.- All right.
- Lot of black-eyes, Hallie.- All right, Kaintuck!
Three steaks,burnt black for the Lazy "J" boys.
Heavy on the beans.Usual for Mr. Peabody with fixings.
- Steak, beans, potatoes.- And deep-dish apple pie.
Someday, he'll order somethingdifferent, and we'll all faint.
Goodness, Rance,aren't you finished yet?
No wonder if your mind isn't on it.Let me help.
Hallie, I found it. I'll show...No, my hands are wet.
Get the book.Come on, take the book a minute.
Nora, Peter, come here and hear this.Now, get the book.
That place right here where it says,
"Under the law of this territory."Hallie, you read it out loud.
I got Liberty Valance exactly whereI want him. Exactly where I want him.
What's the matter? Go ahead. Read it.
- I can't.- What? You... Well, why not?
I never had the schooling,that's why not.
You mean you can't read at all?
No, I can't read, and I can't write.Here, take your book.
For heaven's sakes,isn't Mr. Peabody's order ready?
- Hallie...- Not enough beans on it.
Hallie, I'm sorry.
I could teach you.
What for? What good has readingand writing done you?
Look at you. In an apron.
Be right with you, boys.
I do look funny in this.I didn't mean to hurt her.
She'll get over it. What isreading and writing for a girl?
She'll make a wonderful wifefor any man.
And if Tom Doniphon is smart,he pops the question
before some busybody I am married toupsets his bag of apples.
Aw, you!Eat supper before come the drunks.
- But I'm not finished.- Go sit down! Eat!
What you cooking, steak and potatoes?
I'm hungry. Could I imposeupon your hospitality?
Just a couple of those steaksand no beans.
Marshal.You're the man I'm looking for.
Not so loud.And double on the potatoes.
One steak for one marshalon the cuff.
Marshal, I was wrong the other day,
but I've been reading up,and there it is.
I'll draw up the complaint,take care of the details,
but you do have jurisdiction,it says so right there.
The next time he sets footin this town, you arrest him.
Anything you say, Mr. Stoddard.I'll be tickled to death to...
- What was that? Arrest who?- Liberty Valance.
Arrest Liberty Val...You mean Liberty Valance?
Just when I was startingto get my appetite back.
A lot of black-eyes.
Steaks for the Brophy boyswith black-eyed peas. Burn 'em.
- They're sober tonight, too.- Burn four.
Here's the supper for Rance.
- Thank you, Hallie.- Sit down!
You pop upevery time a girl speaks to you.
- You get in the habit.- Rance, do you think I could?
I mean, grown-up and all?Could I learn to read?
Sure you can, Hallie.There's nothing to it.
It' d be... Can you learn to read?!Why, I can teach you.
A smart girl like you? Of courseyou can. Do you want to try?
It's awful worrisome not knowing how.I know the Bible from preacher talk,
but it' d be a soul comfortto read it myself.
I'll teach you how. In no time,you'll be reading everything.
Hallie, can I havejust one more steak?
One steak on the cuff!
All right, all right.
Excuse me.
- Nora, did you hear the news?- No.
- Rance'll learn me to read.- "Teach me to read."
Teach me to read.
I cannot say my ABC in Swedish.Maybe you can teach me in English.
Sure, Nora.You'll be my second pupil.
Hal's my first. You'll be my second.
Peter, you hear that? Peter!
Well, pilgrim, I see you're stillprotecting the ladies.
Tom, look at you.You're all dressed up.
- It's Saturday night.- Don't you look handsome?
I brought you a little present.
Prettiest cactus roseI ever did see.
It's a beauty. Look at it, Nora.
- Should look nice in your garden.- But it should go in now...
- I'll be pleased to plant that.- Thank you, Pompey.
The Hash outfit just arrived.Burn eight.
- Not too close to the ocotillo bush.- Yes, ma'am.
"Ransom Stoddard, Attorney at Law."
You're a persistent cuss, pilgrim.
You really aim to hang that upoutside?
- That's why I painted it.- Take some advice, pilgrim.
You put that thing up,you'll have to defend it with a gun,
and you ain't exactly the type.
Comin' up.
Thank you.
A girl needs six hands on Saturdaynight, and it's so hot. Look at me.
Any more colour and you' d beprettier than that cactus rose.
Tom, that's mighty flattering.
Burn me a good, thick one, Pete,meat and potatoes.
- Hello, Kaintuck.- Evening, Tom.
- Tom.- Object to company, Mr. Peabody?
Not to yours, Tom.Sit down, sit down.
I suppose you knowwho 's across the street?
Yeah. I hear he sent word on ahead.
He won't like what the town's beensaying about him and that hold-up.
How about you, Kaintuck?
- I'd like a st...- Steak?
- Yes, ma'am.- Well-burnt.
- And d-d-dee...- Deep-dish apple pie.
- Yeah.- Coming up.
Mighty nice girl,that Hallie. Mighty pretty.
I agree with you, sir.Just told her so.
What? Do I hear wedding bells?When can I print the story?
Don't rush me,Mr. Editor. Don't rush me.
There's your cactus rose.Sure is pretty.
Thank you, Pompey. It is pretty.Go and get supper.
Thank you, ma'am.
Look at that. Isn't thatthe prettiest thing you ever saw?
Very pretty.
- Did you ever see a real rose?- No.
But someday if they dam the river,
we'll have waterand all kinds of flowers.
When you finish the dishes,will you help wait tables?
- Sure.- Washing dishes is enough for him.
- A man waiting on tables?!- No, I' d be glad to help.
- Be glad to.- I thought we was busy.
These steaks look donejust right for us.
You cowhands ain't in no hurryto eat, are you?
Well, I am!
I guess we could dowith another drink.
That's right neighbourlyof you, partner.
Especially after all the lies
I hear folks been sayingabout Liberty Valance.
Wait a minute!One of Mamma's pies for Tom.
Lookee at the new waitress.
That's my steak, Valance.
You heard him, dude. Pick it up.
- No!- Pilgrim, hold it.
I said you, Valance. You pick it up.
- Three against one, Doniphon.- My boy Pompey in the kitchen door.
I'll get it, Liberty.
I said you, Liberty. You pick it up.
What's the matter?Everybody here kill-crazy? Here!
There! There!Now, it's picked up!
Why don't you get yourselfa fresh steak on me?
Show's over for now.
Try it, Liberty. Just try it.
Get out!
I wonder what scared him off.
You know what!The spectacle of law and order here,
rising up from the gravyand the potatoes.
All right, you made your point.The gun scared him off.
Pompey's gun, your gun, Tom.
Why did you interfere? He tripped me.
It was my steak.
And you would have killed him for it,
or he would have killed youover one measly steak!
- That's why I picked it up!- Thanks for saving my life, pilgrim.
That isn't why I did it!Nobody fights my battles.
Rance, I'm sorry.
I'm not in the habitof eating my steak off the floor.
Well, cool off, pilgrim.It's all over. Nobody got hurt.
It's not all over, and everybodyhere knows it. He'll be back.
He will, but not after me.After you, pilgrim.
And you can't shoot backwith a law book.
What Peabody's saying is,
if you want to stay healthy,there's two ways to do it.
Buy a gun or leave the territory,is that what he meant?
- That's it, pilgrim.- By golly...
I' d hate to see you go.You're news, Mr. Stoddard,
and you've been newsever since you hit town.
"Ransom Stoddard, Attorney at Law."
I didn't mean to hurtyour feelings out there.
I'll tell you what.You decide to stick around,
and I'll let you hang thisoutside the newspaper office
rent-free, for as long as it lasts.
No. The first timeLiberty rides into town,
he'll shoot it to pieces,and the whole newspaper office.
- How about that, Mr. Peabody?- Well, that' d be news.
I accept your offer, Mr. Peabody.
How about letting me hang that uptomorrow?
- Tomorrow? Well, of course.- Thank you.
Why not?
I'm staying,and I'm not buying a gun either.
Good luck, pilgrim.
Hallie,I'll be out of town for a while,
north of the Picketwire,horse-trading.
Goodbye, Tom.
And take note of what goes on aroundtown, because by the time I get back,
there won't be no newspaperto read it in.
- Well, any news?- Hansons had a baby, eight pounds.
- But not twins?- Not twins.
I got this list of voters for you.
There are 37 new registrationsover last year,
and not one needed a lawyer.
37? By golly!lf we can only get them to vote,
maybe we can handle those cattlebarons from across the Picketwire.
- Did you write this, Mr. Peabody?- Yeah.
- This is great.- You like it?
This thing's just great.
As my old boss,Horace Greeley, used to say,
we'll tear their hearts out.
I'll be right there.
Let me have this.I'll use it in class.
Good morning. I'm sorry I'm late.
A teacher should neverbe late for class. Take your seats.
Quite a turnout this morning.We have more pupils every day.
- Morning, Marshal. How you feeling?- Just fine, fine.
- Your head cold?- No, no. I have a...
Excuse me. I just wantedto see how Julietta was doing.
- Julietta's doing fine.- Gracias, se?or.
How's the rest of my familydoing in reading?
Hallie's in chargeof the kindergarten.
Hallie, why don't you run throughthe ABCs?
All right, you ready?One, two, three.
A, B, C, D, E, F , G
H, l, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S and T, U, V
W, X and Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs
Tell me what you think of me
That was just fine, just fine.
Well, I see a couple morenew pupils back there.
Highpockets, Kaintuck, you fellasreally serious about readin'?
Go on. Stand up. Tell him.
Well, Miss Hallie, shetalked such a right smart argument
to the Lazy " J",the boss of the Lazy " J".
He just up and toldall the hands to cut the cards
to see who come to school,and I lost.
I see. We'll try.Good morning, Mr. Carruthers.
Good morning. Caught himplaying hookey again, fishing.
Catch anything, Herbert?
- No, sir. They weren't biting.- That's too bad.
- Ain't you gonna whop him?- He's too big.
For the benefit of those of youjust starting...
None of us in here smoke,Mr. Carruthers. Thank you.
For those of youwho have just started,
I might explain to youthat we've begun the school
by studying about our country,and how it's governed.
Now, let's see. Well, Nora...
Would you tell the class what you'velearned about the United States?
The United States is a republic,
and a republic is a state
in which the people are the boss.
That means us.And if the big shots in Washington
don't do like we want, we don't votefor them, by golly, no more.
- Any more!- Any more.
That's fine, Nora. That's just fine.
Now, I wonderif anybody in class remembers
what the basic law of the landis called.
You remember I told you it hadto be added to and changed sometimes,
by things called amendments.
Does anybody remember?Julietta, your hand's always up.
Pompey, you try this one.
It was writ by Thomas Jeffersonof Virginia.
- "Was written", Pompey.- Written by Thomas Jefferson.
- He called it the Constitution.- Declaration of Independence.
It begun with the words..."We hold these truths to be..."
- Self-evident.- Let him alone, Charlie.
- "Self-evident, that..."- "That all men are created equal."
- That's fine, Pompey.- I knew that, but I plumb forgot it.
A lot of people forget that part.You did just fine, Pompey.
- Thank you.- This law also states
that governing power restswith the electorate.
That means you,that means the people.
And you ex ercise this powerthrough the vote. Yes?
Con permiso, los gentlemen's?
Well, Hallie?Go right ahead, Hallie.
Here is the best textbook inthe world. It's an honest newspaper.
This is the "Shinbone Star,"Dutton Peabody, Editor in Chief.
And reading this ought to bring hometo everybody
the importance of using that vote.Now, the headlines say:
"Cattlemen fight statehood.Small homesteaders in danger."
It says clearly that if big ranchersnorth of the Picketwire River
win their fight to keep thisterritory in open reign,
then all your truck farms and yourcorn, the small shopkeepers
and everything, your kids' future,it will all be all over, be gone!
And they call upon you,in this article,
they call upon you to unitebehind a real strong delegate
and carry this fightto Washington if necessary.
Hello, Tom.Welcome back. You want to join us?
I'm looking for Pompey.
I've been away three weeks, andthere's no sashes or doors in yet.
Why have you been wasting time here?Get to work. Your schooling's over.
Don't get rough with Pompey.He's entitled to a...
What I got to say to youwill be a whole lot rougher.
The good editor herehas written some noble words,
and you read 'em good,but if you put that paper out,
the streets of Shinbonewill be running with blood.
Why are you against this,you of all people?
Aren't there more votessouth of the Picketwire than north?
That's right, but voteswon't stand up against guns.
Guns? What guns, Tom?
You think Valance stays awayfrom here cos he's scared of you?
He's recruiting hired gunsfor the big ranchers.
- Sí, papacito?- Take the little ones home.
Come on.
Hallie, it would be a good ideaif you dismissed class.
- Dismiss class?- Go on. Dismiss them, please.
Class dismissed! Same time tomorrow.
You get to the store.
It could get worsethan the sheep wars.
You thinkthey'll start something here?
It's already started. Valance andhis men crossed the river yesterday,
killed a couple of sodbusters,old man Holiday and his son.
You know that for a fact?
I do. They tried to bushwhack me,unfortunately for one of them.
- You putting that in your newspaper?- It's news, and I'm a newspaperman.
Print that,he'll kill you sure as hell.
You think they'll come here, Tom?
They'll be here,tomorrow or the next day
according to how muchwho-hit-John they consume,
but election day, pilgrim, youcan depend on it. They'll be here.
Hallie, go where you belong. I don'twant you in no shooting gallery.
Now, you listen to me, Tom Doniphon.
What I do and where I go isn'tyour business. You don't own me.
Like I said, Hallie,you're awful pretty when you get mad.
Rance. After all you've taught us,
how can you saywe should knuckle under now?
You heard what Tom said.
When force threatens,talk's no good any more.
Hallie, go find Tomand make it up to him.
He's only trying to protect you.
Better let him go, Hallie.
Why? Where's he going?
He's going to needall the practice he can get.
Practice? What are you talking about?
I might as well let you know.
When he came in with me,I let him have a gun of mine.
He's been going out in the countrytwice a week practising ever since.
You mean he's going to face upto Liberty Valance? Rance?
That's the only way I figure it.He never discussed it.
He just keeps on practising.
Tom! Tom Doniphon!
Hey, professor.
Where you going?
- I want to talk to you at my place.- Tom, I'm going...
Step down, pilgrim. Take a look.
All right, Tom,what are you trying to tell me?
I'm telling youthat Hallie's my girl.
I'm building that room and porchfor her for when we get married.
Tom, I guess everybodypretty much takes that for granted.
Everybody except Hallie, maybe you.
That's a damn lie, and you know it.
Why did she come to mefretting herself sick