Gentlemen? Gentlemen, it's quite true.The weather continues to defy nature.
Overnight the temperatureat the Arctic has risen 4.9°F.
Gentlemen! Another five degrees
and Haifa Harbour is completely under water!
It's true. New York, San Francisco, NewOrleans, Marseilles - every port's in danger.
- Who is doing this? And why?- It's the work of madmen.
Mad, sane...
They're brilliant.
They're demonstrating thatthey can control the weather!
Turn wheat belts into deserts,put icebergs in the Mediterranean.
- Control the weather, you control the world.- What do they want?
- Why haven't they contacted us?- Oh, they will.
But we're not going to wait for them.We've just had our first break.
According to this dispatch I just received,our team of agents has them cornered!
At any second...
It was a trap.
We just lost another team of agents.