For what we receive,
may the Lord make us truly thankful.
I'd like to thank you all. . .
. . .for the precious gift
you left in my pocket today.
What gift?
It's a secret between
the children and me.
Then I suggest you keep it,
and let us eat.
Knowing how nervous
I must have been. . .
. . .a stranger in a new household. . .
. . .knowing how important it was
for me to feel accepted. . .
. . .it was so kind and thoughtful of
you to make my first moments here. . .
. . .so warm and happy. . .
. . .and pleasant.
-What is the matter, Marta?
Fräulein. . .
. . .is it to be at every meal
or merely at dinnertime. . .
. . .that you intend leading us through
this rare and wonderful new world. . .
. . .of indigestion?
They're all right, captain.
They're just happy.
-Rolf, good evening.
-Good evening, Franz.
-I trust everything is under control?
-Yes, yes.
-Are there any developments?
-Is the captain home?
-He's at dinner.
-With the family?