
Let me. Let me...
I'd like to appeal to your better judgment
one more time.

There's a mission about to start.
You can get on that plane,

and we'll pretend
that all of this never happened.

won't it make you proud to know
you served in an outfit

that averaged more combat missions
per person than any other?

Don't you want to earn more unit citations
and oak-leaf clusters on your Air Medal?

Don't you want to contribute further
to this record by flying more missions?

In that case
we'll just have to send you home.

Of course, there's one catch.
Oh, yeah? What's that?
Well, we will issue orders
sending you back to the States,

and there's... one thing
you have to do for us in return.

What would that be?
Like us.
Like you?
Like us.
You'll be surprised
how easy it is to like us once you begin.

We're going to put you on Easy Street.
- Promote you to major.
- Give you another medal.

- We're going to send you home a hero.
- You'll have parades in your honor.

You can make speeches,
raise money for war bonds...

And all you have to do is be our pal.
Say nice things about us.
Tell the folks at home
what a good job we're doing.
