I want a camp bed in here
with linen and all the usual...
...including something to wash in
and shaving things.
Also, get a percolator and lots of coffee.
-Right, sir.
-Get onto the switchboard.
I want a good telephonist,
the best they've got.
I need ten outside lines
open around-the-clock.
If there's any nonsense,
refer them to Berthier.
This job gets top priority at all times.
Do you want anything
from them immediately?
A person-to-person link to the heads...
...of the homicide divisions
of the following countries:
Holland, Belgium, Italy, West Germany...
...and South Africa.
The FBl in the United States...
...and Scotland Yard's
Special Branch in Britain.
-How many is that?
Get the head man at home or in the office.
Ask them to take a call from me
tomorrow morning...
...and see that there's no one listening in.
In the meantime,
I'm going down to General Records...
...to check if this Jackal
has ever operated inside France.
Sir, how do you know the Jackal
comes from any of these countries?
I don't.
But he must be on file somewhere.
-Sorry I'm late, darling.
-What kept you so long?
-There was a long meeting.
-I've been waiting for hours.
Yes, I'm sorry about the hour, but....
Yes, Washington, I know it's 7:00 there.
It's midnight here.
Could you call him at the club, please?
I didn't go out.
I just sat waiting for you to call.
It was impossible. There was a crisis on.
Crisis? What crisis?
Never mind.