My name is Tom Sims.I'm a newspaper columnist.
Several years ago...
I covered firsthandthe incredible story...
you are about to see re-createdin this motion picture.
It is a human horror storyof ghastly proportions...
and profound reverberations.
But because it is human...
perhaps we can learnsomething from it...
something of ourselves...
of our own fears and needs.
But please, let me warn you...
the events have been re-createdin detail.
Nothing has been left tothe imagination.
It is not a storyfor the squeamish...
or the fainthearted.
Now that you stand warned,we can proceed with our story.
It is the story of Ezra Cobb:
murderer, graverobber,necrophiliac perhaps...
or, as you may remember him fromthose stories of long ago...
the butcher of Woodside.
When Ez was 10,his father died.
For the next 15 years...
Ez and his mother workedthe farm by themselves...
growing more dependent on eachother with the passage of time.
Then Amanda Cobb suffereda paralyzing stroke...
which crippled her bodyfrom the waist down...
and left her bedridden.
Ez brought her downstairs...
sealing off the upstairs roomso he could be closer to her.
For 12 years,he slept outside her door...
waiting on her, feeding her...
bathing her, reading to her,comforting her.