You know what this is?
This is actually a clump of grass
that Paul stepped on.
I'm not exactly sure which blade
he stepped on, but it's all in there.
That's why I got such a big clump.
Oh, wow! Can I have some of this?
What are you, crazy?
Oh, just a little bit!
I'll buy it off of ya.
No. I'm sorry, but it's not for sale.
Say, kid, do you really have
tickets to The Ed Sullivan Show?
Yeah. I sort of lucked into 'em.
My uncle's got connections.
Would you sell one to me?
Uh, no, I couldn't do that.
Heck, you just helped me out
of a real jam.
I'll give you one for free.
It's the least I can do.
Thanks a lot!
That's funny.
I thought I had 'em right there.
I don't even have 'em!
Peter! Hey, Peter!
I got your tickets to The Ed Sullivan Show!
- My tickets! How'd you get those?
- Never mind how I got 'em, but I got 'em!
If you wanna get 'em back, you're gonna
have to get your goddamn hair cut!
Now, I found a barber shop that's open,
so let's go!
You can't do that! It's extortion!
I can do any goddamn thing I want to!
I'm your father!
No kid of mine is gonna run around
in the streets looking like a goddamn girl!
- Wait a minute, will ya?
- Well, I'm not gonna cut my hair!
And I'm not gonna argue with you! Now,
if you want these tickets back, you're gonna
get your hair cut! Now, you think about it!
I don't have to think about it!
For all I care, you can take those tickets
and shove 'em!
What's your name anyway?
Ringo. Ringo Klaus.
Well, actually it's Richard,
Richard Klaus.
This is my official
Beatles talcum powder.
Anyway, like, Ringo Starr,
you know, he changed his name
from Richard to Ringo?
Well, that's what I did.
My real name's Richard,
and I changed it over to Ringo, see?
You know how the real Ringo has lots of rings?
Well, I got my own ring, too, see?
Just like Ringo.
Good. I know all that stuff.
Listen, I know everything
there is to know about the Beatles.
There's nothin' I don't know about the Beatles!
I'm the greatest Beatles genius
in the history of the universe.
Go ahead, ask me
anything about the Beatles!
Ask me how tallJohn is.
And the answer comeback,
5- foot-11.
Ask me when George's birthday is.
And the answer comeback,
February 25, 1943.
There's nothin' I don't know about the Beatles!
Ask me anything there is to know
about the Beatles. Ask me anything!
Who is the youngest Beatle?
I know the answer!
Gimme the phone!
Get away! I know it too!
It's my room, and it's my phone!