Stay with us forblood-chilling suspense...
... blackmail, murder,intrigue and love.
Next on Channel 8.
- a tourist, visiting a friend,was struck...
... by a 30-pound block as hewalk ed down the stage-door alley.
The cinder block hit meon the flat side...
... of the block itself,as if it were hurled at me.
- when the ferry dock ed,he was napping.
A deck hand wok e him and told himto drive off. But Max was in reverse.
He went right off the back of the ferry.He drowned.
But if you were complainingabout the weather this week end...
... it could have been worse.A series of floods...
- I guess it's that time.- You want any help?
There was a terrific recipe for caponin the Times today.
Takes two minutes.
The National Guard has beencalled out...
... and some people may have to...