Don't you miss our old place,Cruchot?
Times change, sergeant,and we have to change with them.
Come in.
Can I borrow your vacuum cleaner?- Of course, Germaine.
This place is quite roomy.Thanks, Josépha.
It looks like a frightening monster,but it's not.
In no time, this machine hasthe answer to everything.
It knows even the most intimatesecrets of our fellow citizens.
Take Cruchot's file,for instance.
Sergeant, with all due respect,but I refuse.
It will all not be true.
Cruchot, Ludovic, Maryvonne.
Born on the 31st of July in Courbevoie.
Tendency towards hypocrisyand schizophrenia.
Used to bite his friends as a child.- Not at all.
Used to pull fly wings out.- A dragonfly. Once.
Peed in bed until the age of 14.Well, well, Cruchot...
Pee never. Only number two.
Not very democratic, is it?- Clean the sergeant's desk.