- I could use a drink.
- So could I.
Just checking...
Two corpses, everything's fine.
- Anybody else want a whisky?
- Yeah.
All right, look. Pay attention, everybody.
Am I right that there is nobody else here?
- No.
- There is someone else.
- No, I said no meaning yes.
- No meaning yes?
I want a straight answer.
Is there someone else? Yes or no?
- No.
- No, there is, or no, there isn't?
- Yes.
- Please!
Shouldn't we get rid of that man
before he finds out what's going on?
- We can't throw him out.
- If he stays, he'll get suspicious.
- If he goes, he'll be suspicious.
- I'd be suspicious.
Who cares? Let him stay locked up
for another half an hour.
The police will be here by then, and
there are two dead bodies in the study!
There's confusion as to whether
there's anyone else here.
- There isn't.
- Confusion or anybody else?
- Either. Or both.
- Gimme a clear answer.
- Certainly. The question?
- Is anybody else here?
- No!
- So he says. But does he know?
I suggest we do this in military fashion.
We split up and search the house.
- Split up?!
- Yes.
We have very little time,
so we'll split into pairs.
What if one of us is the murderer?
Whoever is left with the killer
might get killed.
- Then we'll discover the murderer.
- But one of the pair will be dead!
This is war, Peacock!
Casualties are inevitable.
Making omelettes means breaking eggs,
every cook knows.
Look what happened to the cook!
- Will you take that chance?
- What choice have we?