Who Framed Roger Rabbit

# Why don't ya do right #
(De ce nu faci ce trebuie)

# Like some other men #
(Cum alþi bãrbaþi o...)

# Do #

# Get outta here #
(Pleacã deaici)

- E mãritatã cu Roger Rabbit?
- # Get me some money#
(Adu-mi ºi ceva bani)

- # Too # (Deasemenea)
- Mda. Ce fatã norocoasã.

# Now, if you had prepared #
(Dacã te-ai pregãtit)

# Twenty years ago #
(Deacum 20 de ani)

# You wouldn't be wanderin' now #
(N-o sã mai hãlãduieºti)

# From door to door #
(Din uºã în uºã)

# Why don't ya do right #
(De ce nu faci ce trebuie)

# Like some other men #
(Cum alþi bãrbaþi o...)

# Do #

# Get outta here #
(Ieºi la luminã)

# Get me some money too #
(Adu-mi ºi ceva bani)

# Get outta here #
(Ieºi la luminã)

# Get me some money too #
(Adu-mi ºi ceva bani)

# Why don'tya do right #
(De ce nu faci ce trebuie)

# Like some other men #
(Cum alþi bãrbaþi o...)

# Do #
