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"Who Framed Roger Rabbit" torrent
Mid 1988
Large Release.
Moderate Acceptance
High Budget.
– Directed by Robert Zemeckis
– More Beowulf The Corrections The Polar Express Cast Away What Lies Beneath
– Language
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a 1988 film produced by Disney subsidiary Touchstone and Amblin Entertainment, that combines animation and live action. The film takes place in a fictionalized Los Angeles in 1947, where animated characters (always referred to as "Toons") are real beings who live and work alongside humans in the real world, most of them as actors in animated cartoons. At $70 million, it was one of the most expensive films ever at the time of its release, but it proved a sound investment that eventually brought in over $150 million during its original theatrical release. The film is notable for offering a unique chance to see many cartoon characters from different studios interacting in a single film and for being one of the last appearances by voice artists Mel Blanc and Mae Questel from animation's Golden Era.
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Who Framed Roger Rabbit
:00:20 - Dragã, mama se duce la coafor.
:00:23 Dar te las cu cel mai bun prieten,
cu Roger.
:00:26 O sã aibã grije de tine.
:00:28 Cãci dacã n-o s-o facã
o sã redevinã material la laborator.
:00:32 Te rrrog, nu-þi face griji.
:00:34 Cum zici tu.
Da, doamnã.
:00:37 Vai, vai, sir.
Okey do key.
:00:39 De ce, o sã am grije de el
ca de propriul meu frate.
:00:43 Sau propria sorã. Oh!
Sau ca de fratele sor-mi.
:00:47 - Sau ca de-un vãr de-al doilea,
care a fost alungat de douã ori...
- Prãjiturã!
:00:50 Sau vãru-meu de-al nouãlea care
a fost îndepãrtat de nouã ori de-acasã.
:00:54 Sau ca vãru-meu de-al cinºpelea,
care a fost alungat de ºaiºpe ori de mamã-sa,
:00:59 Sau ca al douãjdoi-lea vãr,
:01:01 - Care-a fost alungat de 37 ori de ta-su,
- Prãjiturã.
:01:04 Care-i de 11 ori alungat...
:01:06 al 17-lea vãr, care-a fost alungat
de 156 ori de ambii pãrinþi!
:01:22 Te voi salva Bebe!
:01:26 Prãjitura.
:01:29 Sã nu te arzi, Bebe Herman! Whoa!
:01:31 Uhoa! Ah! U-uhoa!
:01:36 Uhoa! Uau!
:01:39 Uhoa!
:01:43 Cine-a stins lumina?
Bãiete, e-ntuneric aici.
:01:46 Nu-ºi plãtesc lumina?
:01:48 Ce s-a întâmplat? O sã te gãses, Bebe!
Unde eºti?
:01:50 - Prãjiturã.
- Unde sunt?
:01:53 - Ce-i fumul ãla?