Mixed Reviews
Thin Acceptance
– Directed by Tony Bill
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Crazy People
Crazy People is a 1990 movie starring Dudley Moore as an advertising executive. He is committed to a psychiatric hospital for making truthful advertisements, such as in an ad for Volvo, which proclaims "Volvo. Boxy, but good." In the sanitarium he falls in love with Kathy (Daryl Hannah), a fellow patient, and transforms the place into a branch of the advertising industry, where other mental patients come up with wild, often funny advertising slogans, like "Forget Paris. Come to Greece. We're nicer," for a Greek travel agency. The movie closes with George (David Paymer), a patient who speaks only in variations of "Hello" (e.g., "Hello, how the hell are you?"), singing the "Hello" parts of "Hello, Hello, Hello! What a wonderful word, Hello."
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Crazy People
:01:57 Dobro jutro, kristina.
:02:00 - Stive, gde je emori?
- Odmah dolazim. Uði.
:02:22 Hajde!
:02:26 Divno! O, to je ba dobro!
Hajde, krenite!
:02:32 Hajde! Idite! Ako biste samo krenuli,
ne bi ni postojao saobraæaj!
:02:37 Ukoliko bi se svi ovolicko pomerili,
do sada bismo bili u gradu!
:02:41 - Hajde, mrdni!
- Hej, ta ti je?
:02:45 ta mi je? Sad æu da ti kaem!
Ti si ispred mene.
:02:50 To mi je, maloumni idiote.
:02:54 Skini se s telefona!
I podigni prozor. Hvala.
:02:58 Hajdemo, pobogu!