You got the stuff?
Thanks, man.
Here, lady.
I gave her your stuff.
Where's the rest of my money?
Who are you, old lady?
Your fairy godmother.
Come in.
Hi. It took all day...
but I found out Zach Sullivan
and his mother...
aren't related to Crisp.
I just found out.
Oh. I got a bottle of wine
for your big date...
It's not a date, I know.
But Joyce shouldn't think that.
Thanks. I don't think
it's a good idea.
Quickest way to slip up
doing undercover work
is doing things
you normally wouldn't do.
Wait a minute.
You mean you wouldn't take wine
to a woman
who's invited you for dinner?
Of course you would.
And flowers as well.
Here you go.
She'll love them.
Well, here we are.
Wow. This is
quite a place.
They must be paying you
a lot more than
they're paying me.