Give me the order!
Is that supposed to make me
not dread you?
We're in Sicily. It's opera.
What do we do now?
Bãiat cuminte. Mergi la plimbare.
Be reasonable.
Let's try not to hurt each other.
- Dã-i drumul.
- Taie-i gâtul, omule.
I want you to forgive me.
- Ce ai zis?
- Taie-i dracului gâtul.
- For what?
- Everything.
- OK, ºefu'...
- Lasã arma sau o sã-i taie gâtul.
Oh, like God?
Eºti nebun? Abia am cunoscut-o.
Ce-mi pasã?
No, I need something a little closer.
Nu ai de ales. O sã fie moartã.
You couldn't understand,
back in those days.
Dacã faci asta, vã omor pe amândoi.
Lasã cuþitul. O sã-þi dau drumul.
I loved my father. I swore I would
never be a man like him,
Taie-i gâtul! Chiar acum!
O sã fac ceva care o sã te convingã. Nu te speria.
Doar uitã-te la mine.
but I loved him and he was in danger.
What could I do?
And then later, you were in danger.
Our children were in danger.
What could I do?
O, rahat!
You were all that l... Loved and valued
most in the world.
Lasã cuþitul. Lasã-l!
Bun bãiat. Stai jos, vreau sã vorbesc cu tine.
E o alegere înþeleaptã. Stai jos.
Now I'm losing you. I lost you.
Dã-þi jos masca.
You're gone.
And it was all for nothing. So...
Relaxeazã-te, trage un fum.
A cui a fost ideea asta?
Cine te-a trimis?
You have to understand,
I had a whole different destiny planned.
Spune-mi cine te-a trimis.
- Nimeni.
- Te-ai uitat bine la tipul ãsta?
All right, I'll stop.
- Da.
- Cine te-a trimis?
Joey Zasa.