Dacã faci asta, vã omor pe amândoi.
Lasã cuþitul. O sã-þi dau drumul.
I loved my father. I swore I would
never be a man like him,
Taie-i gâtul! Chiar acum!
O sã fac ceva care o sã te convingã. Nu te speria.
Doar uitã-te la mine.
but I loved him and he was in danger.
What could I do?
And then later, you were in danger.
Our children were in danger.
What could I do?
O, rahat!
You were all that l... Loved and valued
most in the world.
Lasã cuþitul. Lasã-l!
Bun bãiat. Stai jos, vreau sã vorbesc cu tine.
E o alegere înþeleaptã. Stai jos.
Now I'm losing you. I lost you.
Dã-þi jos masca.
You're gone.
And it was all for nothing. So...
Relaxeazã-te, trage un fum.
A cui a fost ideea asta?
Cine te-a trimis?
You have to understand,
I had a whole different destiny planned.
Spune-mi cine te-a trimis.
- Nimeni.
- Te-ai uitat bine la tipul ãsta?
All right, I'll stop.
- Da.
- Cine te-a trimis?
Joey Zasa.
I really don't know what you
want from me, Michael.
- I mean...
- I'm not the man that you think I am.
- I don't know.
- I love you, Kay.
Eºti bine?
- Aveai de gând sã-i laºi sã mã omoare!
- Nu, nu e aºa...
Don't dread me anymore.
Porcule! Nenorocit bolnav!
Ai vrut joc de noroc. Ãsta e joc de noroc. Cheamã poliþia.
You know, every night here in Sicily...
...l dream about my wife
and my children...
- ªi pe celãlalt l-ai omorât?
- A vrut sã-mi ia arma.
A fost legitimã apãrare. Haide, cheamã poliþia.
...and how I lost them.
- Nu, nu...
- Fac fotografii.
I guess that if it's any consolation,
I want you to know that...
Fãrã poze.
Aveai o armã!
Ei aveau doar un cuþit. Puteai sã-i convingi sã se predea, sã îi predai poliþiei.
Zasa i-a trimis. Doar i-am transmis un mesaj.
...l always loved you, Michael.