The Godfather: Part III

John Paul the First.
Minunat. Am fost aºa de mândru.
Lasã-mã sã te conduc.

Dacã auzi vreun zvon la Vatican,
dã-mi de veste.

Nu, Andrew are adevãrata credinþã.
Don Corleone,
Am nevoie de ajutorul tãu. ªi nu doar ca sã aprind o lumânare micã.
Darul meu era sã pot sã conving oamenii sã dãruiascã Sfintei Biserici.
I will do things "right away,"
rather than in "a little while"...

Roma a decis sã mã punã responsabil la Banca vaticanului...
Frederick Keinszig, known as "God's
Banker", has been reported missing.

...dar eu nu am fost niciodatã un adevãrat bancher.
He was last seen leaving the Rome
offices of Vatican owned immobiliare.

Mea Culpa.
Am avut încredere în prieteni.

Also missing was a large sum
of money and several documents.

Prietenie ºi bani...
Keinszig, you fool.
Ulei ºi apã...
His absence casts further suspicion
on the dealings of the Vatican Bank.

Dar "prietenii" ãºtia au folosit bunul renume al Bisericii ca sã îºi hrãneascã lãcomia.
For several years,
the bank and its companies

have been the object of allegations
of disreputable business practices.

Dacã s-au pierdut bani...
...atunci eu sunt de învinovãþit.
Lucchesi, will you please
try to understand?

Dacã ar putea ca rugãciunea sã acopere deficitul nostru de 700 milioane de dolari.
I have phoned him.
I have waited here by the phone.

769 milioane...
You would do well to remember,
Mr. Lucchesi,

that this Pope has very different ideas
from the last one.

Biserica deþine 25 % dintr-o mare corporaþie imobiliarã.
ªtii de care vorbesc?
Cel mai mare proprietar de pe Pãmânt. Valoare imobiliarã de 6 miliarde de dolari.
Aºa e.
ªi votul Vaticanului e necesar pentru control.
Nu, greºiþi.
