- It works!
- It does?
- It does!
- You did it!
You really did it!
Hitch up Philippe, girl.
I'm off to the fair!
Goodbye, Papa.
Good luck!
Goodbye, Belle.
Take care while I'm gone.
We should be there by now.
We should be there by now.
Maybe we missed a turn.
I guess I should've taken...
Wait a minute.
No. Let's go this way.
Come on, Philippe, it's a short cut.
We'll be there in no time.
This can't be right.
Where have you taken us, Philippe?
We better turn around.
Whoa. Whoa, boy.
Whoa, now, whoa, Philippe.
Oh! Oh!
Look out! No!
Oh! Oh!
Look out! No!
Whoa, boy!
Back up, back up, back up!
Good boy! Good boy.
That's good, that's... Back up!
Steady, steady, now.