Defending Your Life

I'm sure your defender explained
the basics to you, but let me just say...

...even though this feels like a trial, it isn't.
It's just a process that helps us decide.
As imperfect as it may be,
we think it works quite well.

What you'll see on the screen...
...will look and feel so real to you,
you might be uneasy at first.

Just relax. After a while, I think
it will become pleasurable to you.

They tell me it feels something like 3-D.
Any questions, Mr. Miller?
You may begin.
Thank you, Your Honors.
Over the following four days,
I will attempt to show that Daniel Miller...

...while he is a quality human being,
is still held back...

:37:54 the fears that have plagued him...
...lifetime after lifetime.
I believe that I can show
without a shadow of a doubt...

...that he must once again be returned
to Earth to work on this problem.

May we begin in childhood, please?
Could we go to...

By the way...
...this signifies you're 11 years,
four months and 19 days old.

- Is that clear?
- I think so.

In other words, if I said, 9-2-17...
:38:24 would be nine years,
two months and 17 days old.

I understand.
Realistic, isn't it, Mr. Miller?
