Folks, we've been herefor a long time now,
listening to people talkfor months.
Complicated medical testimony.
A lot of emotion in this case.
There is not a personin this room who isn't sorry
about what happenedto Mr. Matthews.
It's a tragedy.
And when somethinglike this happens,
you desperately wantto blame someone, don't you?
Someone else.
We understand that.It's natural.
But what have we got here?What's the bottom line?
It's Mr. Matthews' word
against the East Shore Hospital,isn't it?
That's exactly what it is.
Now, obviously,any decent human being
would want to believeMr. Matthews...
believe that he told theadmitting nurse, Mrs. Valdez
that he was diabetic.
It would seem... poeticthat someone else was to blame.
It would feel right.
But it wouldn't be fair.
Let's-let's think for a second.
Who's being blamed here?
It's not some, some big badhospital corporation.
We're talkingabout human beings.
Four doctors, five nurses,
the hospital chief of staffpresent at the time.
All of them therefor no other purpose
than to try and saveJonathan Matthews' life.
Now, this is painful,and I don't like doing this,
but if we're all going to doour jobs,
I've got to bring this up again.
Mr. Matthews is an alcoholic.
In July of 1979,he tried to commit suicide.
And, you know, even I wassurprised to learn
from the plaintiff'sown doctors, ironically,