He says you stole the bread.
It's a lie.
I caught him stealing ours.
Cut off the infidel's hand.
I took it!
That's not true.
They're not interested in truth.
But he's lying!
You're too weak to survive it.
As you wish.
Cut the other's hand off too.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Robin.
This is English courage.
That's for five years of hell!
Behind you!
Come on, for God's sake!
Take us with you!
You can't save those people!
But you can save me!
- Why should I?- For pity's sake.
Mine is a sentence of death.
- He's a Moor! Don't listen!- Set me free! I'll show you a way out.
- Why should we?- If you do not, we are all dead men.