Fifteen hundred years ago a small bandof Polynesian voyagers discovered
...one of the most remoteislands on earth.
And began a mysterythat still endures.
The band and their chief,Hotu Matu'a,
Settled the lush oasis, and werelost to the world for the next 1,000 years.
European sailors rediscovered theisland and named it Easter Island.
The Europeans found a barren,treeless place,
Inhabited by numerous warring clans
And the gigantic stone statuesbuilt over centuries
As a form of ancestor worship.
Hotu Matu'a's descendants called the islandNavel of the World, Rapa Nui.
And centuries of isolationhad convinced them
They were the only peopleleft on earth.
Still, no one knows why thestatues were so large,
Or why work on them suddenly ceased.
But legend speaks of a terribleconflict between the clans
A few decades before the Europeans