The pushers have improved ontheir drug smuggling methods.
Drugs are hidden in condoms held in
Stomachs, rectums or evencorpses
even the dead bodies of small babies.
Last year alone there were150 cases of deaths
caused by drug poisoningdue to punctured condoms.
However, these were theexceptions.
Most traffickers succeededin passing through Customs.
Fighting the drug trade hasbecome one
of the most important tasksof the HK police.
This information is already well knownto us.
Will you please get to thepoint?
OK, most of the drugscirculating in
Southeast Asia come fromthe drug king Chaibat.
Capturing him willhalve the amount of drugs available.
ln what way can the RoyalHK Police help you?
What we need for this mission is a supercop.
Well, let me think about it.l'll let you know tomorrow.
Fix it for me, tell metomorrow.
Yes, sir.
Superiors don't do anything.They just give orders.
Fix it for me.
l know what to do already.
Bring back Chia-chu rightaway.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
Morning, lnspector Chen.