Reservoir Dogs

You guys been listenin' to K-BILLY's
"Super Sounds of the '70s" weekend?

Yeah. That's fuckin' great.
- You believe the songs they're playin'?
- Know what I heard the other day?

"Heartbeat, It's a Lovebeat" by little
Tony DeFranco and the DeFranco family.

I haven't heard that song since
I was in the fifth fuckin' grade.

When I was comin' down here, "The Night
the Lights Went Out in Georgia" came on.

I ain't heard that song
since it was big.

But when it was big, I must've heard it
a million-trillion fuckin' times.

But this is the first time
I ever realized...

that the girl singin' the song
is the one who shot Andy.

You didn't know that Vickie Lawrence
was the one who shot Andy?

- I thought the cheatin' wife shot Andy.
- They say that at the end of the song.

I know, motherfucker. I just heard it.
That's what I'm talkin' about.

I must've zoned out
during that part before.

All right,
I'll take care of the check.

All right,
I'll take care of the check.

You guys can get the tip.
Should be about a buck apiece.
And you, when I come back
I want my book.

Sorry. It's my book now.
Hey, I changed my mind.
Shoot this piece of shit, will ya?

All right, everybody cough up
some green for the little lady.

Come on, throw in a buck.
I don't tip.
- You don't tip?
- I don't believe in it.

You don't believe in tipping?
Do you know what these chicks make?
They make shit.

If she don't make enough money,
she can quit.

I don't even know a fuckin' Jew
who'd have the balls to say that.

Let me get this straight.
You don't ever tip, huh?

I don't tip because
society says I have to.

If they really put forth the effort,
I'll give 'em somethin' extra.

But this tipping automatically,
it's for the birds.

As far as I'm concerned,
they're just doin' their job.

- This girl was nice.
- She was okay.

- She wasn't anything special.
- What's special?

Take you in the back
and suck your dick?

I'd go over 12% for that.
I ordered coffee, all right?
She's only filled my cup three times.
