-If I was going, I'd go as a. . . .-A princess!
-Judy Baumer's going as a twirler.-But she's so fat.
I'd rather go as Cinderellaor Peter Pan.
Peter Pan's a boy.Tinkerbell's a girl.
-Phillip could go as Peter Pan.-Phillip could go as a bump on a log.
-Why can't we just go once?-Because we just can't, okay?
Our personal beliefs lift usto a higher place.
-I'll get it.-You got it last time!
Trick or treat!
I'm sorry, we don't takeno part in Halloween.
Excuse me?
We're Jehovah's Witness.
-Hey, Phillip Perry.-Hey, Billy Reeves.
How'd you know it was me?
Come on, go eat your supper.
Come on, kids, let's goto the next house.
Sorry for the bother.