In weiter Ferne, so nah!

What is it?
Money? Papers?

That's all--
Is there anything
I can do to help you?

- Can you tell a good story?
- A good story.

- Does it have to be true?
- No, in the opposite.

It has to be phony as hell.
This is a very strange request.
Can you do it for me?
For a very exceptional situation?
Life is a very exceptional situation.
I want you to meet
an old friend.

Do you remember the last time
you were in Berlin?

I think we're getting cable.
We've had cable
for two years.

Not at home, dummy!

That's bullshit!
Look at monitor six.
That's "Columbo."

You're right.
But that can't be!

But it is.
It's weird.
A technician should check it out.
This cable stuffis beyond me.

That's Gate 1 6, right above us.
- You're nuts! That's "Columbo"!
- What's the actor's name?

Falk. Peter Falk.
Every kid knows that!

He's at Gate 1 6.

It's a TV series.
- Maybe someone's playing a tape.
- No! It's him!

He's motioning to us!
What do we do now?
Mywife won't believe this!
Switch on the audio.

- What took you so long?
- That's him!

- Can you hear me now?
- Yes.

Yes, we hear you.
What do you want?

Would you open the door, please?
We have an appointment at 11:00.
