[Bell Clanging]
[Foghorn Blowing]
[Clanging Continues,Creaking]
[Howling, CreakingContinue]
Okay. One pictureand we're history.
[Thumping]That's what I'm afraid of.
[Sighing]Come on.
[Thumping Continues]
[Boy]Oh, man, do we
have to do this?
You want everyoneat school to think
we're chicken?
I could live with that.You wuss. Come on.
[Door Creaking]
Oh, whoa!Oh, man!
I-I don't see anything.Do you?
No, I don'tsee anything.
Let's just take the pictureand get outta here.
Fine, fine. Here,take the picture.
Now, wait a minute. I gottabe in the picture too, or no one
will believe I was here.
Just shut upand take the picture.
No, you take the picture.