I don't really pray...
...but if you could justhelp me out here...
...I promise....
Oh, my God!
Run a bath, call the doctor.
Get her into the bath.
Dr. Carter, 655-....
He won't be there.
What is a thermometer?Mercury.
How does it even work?Maybe I can page him.
Susan. Susie.
Mommy says get up now.
-Cold.-I know.
Hang on.
It just feels cold becauseyou're so hot.
Susan, stay with me. Susan.
Has she been disoriented?Confused?
She said that she sawa man in her bedroom.
Are you cold?
Okay, swing it.
-Move it, people.-Is room 2 clear?
Yes, it's clear.
Get her pressure.
Let's give her O2. Ten liters.
Tap her right away.
How's her breathing?